Please add [email protected] and [email protected] to your email provider’s list of known senders. It only takes a few seconds to ensure that you don’t miss eStatement notification emails for your bank and credit card statements, and other important updates from UCU.


If you do not see emails from University Credit Union in your inbox, they may be mistakenly being sent to your spam or junk folder. You can go into this folder and mark emails from [email protected] and [email protected] as "not spam" and add UCU to your list of trusted contacts.

We ask that you add us to your trusted list of senders, contacts or address book. Select an email client or spam filter option below for an easy guide to ensure you receive all the emails you need from UCU.


Log into your account and open up the email in your inbox. Hover over the sender's name and a window will pop up. Select "More Info" and then select the "Add to contacts" icon to save the sender to your contacts list.

Gmail hover over sender

Gmail add to contacts

You can also safelist in Gmail before opening the email. To do so, hover over [email protected] or [email protected] next to the subject line in the inbox. Click "More Info" in the pop-up box. Select "Add to senders" to save to your contacts list.



Log into your account, hover over the "Settings" icon and click "Settings".

Click Setting in Yahoo

In the "Settings" tab, select "Filters" from the left menu and click the button to "Add" a filter.

Select Filters from menu

Type a name for your filter in the "Filter name" field. Select "contains" in the "sender" drop-down menu. Type [email protected] in the "sender" text field. In the "Move to Folder" drop-down menu, select "Inbox". Click the "Save" button in the top bar to save the filter. Repeat this process for [email protected].

Type name of your filter in Filter Name section



In the upper right hand corner of your account, click on the "Settings" icon. From here, click on "Options".

Click Settings icon

While in this section, click on the option for "Safe and blocked senders".

Click Safe and blocked senders

Click on "Safe senders".

Click Safe senders

Enter [email protected] and click the button to "Add to list". Repeat this process for [email protected].

Enter the email address



In the upper right hand corner of your account, click on "Options". From there, click "Mail Settings".

Click Options

On the "Settings" page, click "Spam Settings". From there, choose "Allow mail only from addresses I specify" on the drop-down menu. Enter [email protected], click the plus button, and click save to save your changes. Repeat this process for [email protected].

Click Spam Settings



Right-click on the message from [email protected] in your inbox. Select "Junk E-mail" from the menu. Then, click "Add Sender to Safe Senders List". Repeat this process for [email protected].

Click add Sender to Safe Senders List



Select "Mail" and "Preferences" from the top menu.

Select Mail and Preferences

In the "Preferences" window, click the "Rules" icon. Then, click the "Add Rule" button.

Click to Add Rule

In the "Rules" window, type a name for your rule in the "Description" field. Use the following settings: “If any of the following conditions are met: From Contains.” Type [email protected] in the text field beside “Contains.” Select “Move Message” and “Inbox” from the drop-down menus. Click “Ok” to save the rule. Repeat this process for [email protected].

Add the email address



  1. Open your email
  2. Click "Options"
  3. Click "Block Senders"
  4. Locate the "Safe List"
  5. Enter the address [email protected]
  6. Click "OK"
  7. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Click "Address Book"
  2. Click "New" and click "New Contact"
  3. Add [email protected]
  4. Click "Save"
  5. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Open your email
  2. Click "Preferences"
  3. Under "General Email Preferences", click "Blocked Senders"
  4. Type [email protected] in the "Exceptions List"
  5. Click "Add"
  6. Click "Save"
  7. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Click your "Junk Mail" folder
  2. Select the email from [email protected] that you would like to add as a safe sender
  3. Click "Mark as Not Spam"
  4. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Select "Options"
  2. Select "Filters"
  3. Click "Add Filter"
  4. In the top row labeled "From" header, select "contains" from the drop down menu
  5. Enter [email protected]
  6. Move down to the bottom where there is the option "Move the message to". Select "Inbox" from the drop down menu.
  7. Select the "Add Filter" button again
  8. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Click "Add"
  2. Enter your sender's address, [email protected]
  3. Click "Save"
  4. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Check if your sender's email is in your "Junk" folder. Then, right click on the email and select "Mark As Not Junk".
  2. Click "Address Book"
  3. Make sure that the "Personal Address Book" is highlighted
  4. Click "New Card", the "New Card" window will display
  5. Under the "Contact" tab, copy [email protected] and paste it into the email dialog box
  6. Click "Ok"
  7. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Click the "Settings" tab
  2. Click "Messages"
  3. Click "Allow and Block Messages"
  4. Select "Advanced Block Senders"
  5. In the "Allowed Senders and Domains" area, type [email protected]
  6. Click "Ok"
  7. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Select "Settings"
  2. From the email settings screen, select "Junk E-mail Guard"
  3. Select "Safe List"
  4. Enter [email protected]
  5. Select "Add"
  6. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Start Norton AntiSpam
  2. Select "Status & Settings" tab
  3. Select "Configure" button
  4. Select "Allowed List" tab
  5. Select "Add"
  6. Enter [email protected]
  7. Select "Ok"
  8. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Click the "Allow/Deny" menu option in the Control Console
  2. Enter [email protected] in the "Add Entrys" field in the "Allow List"
  3. Click "Save"
  4. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Open the email
  2. Right click [email protected]
  3. Select "Add to Address Book"
  4. Verify the sender's contact details
  5. Click "Save"
  6. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Open the email
  2. Click the "Plus" symbol on [email protected]
  3. Add the first/last name of the sender
  4. Click "Ok"
  5. Repeat this process for [email protected]


  1. Open the email
  2. Click the "Plus" symbol on [email protected]
  3. Add the first/last name of the sender
  4. Click "Ok"
  5. Repeat this process for [email protected]

While we try to cover the majority of email clients and filters, we realize there are always more out there. If University Credit Union is being filtered, try adding [email protected] and [email protected] to your address book or contact list. If messages continue to be sent to your junk folder contact your ISP or spam filter application support and ask how to safelist [email protected] and [email protected].


If you still need assistance or have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected].


Safelisting guide adapted from content created by AWeber Communications.