Become a UCU Volunteer
We are now accepting applications.
It's a fulfilling experience volunteering to serve on our UCU Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, and Advisory Council.
As part of our philosophy of giving our members a financial advantage in life, UCU is committed to being bold, innovative, knowledgeable and enthusiastic.
Join our proud history of members contributing their time and expertise to helping UCU move forward in this ever-changing environment.
- Introduction about Introduction
University Credit Union (UCU) is committed to selecting volunteers who have demonstrated leadership ability, who are competent in the areas required to effectively oversee a credit union, and who demonstrate the ethical values necessary for proper stewardship of UCU assets.
This application is designed to facilitate the nomination process for candidates for the UCU Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, and Advisory Council. It is important to read everything before completing the Statement of Interest and Application for Nomination. This will enable you to fully understand the requirements and expectations for the volunteer opportunities available at UCU.
Please submit requested information in the Application for Nomination that pertains to you so that the Nominating Committee can properly evaluate your experience as it relates to your ability to perform the duties of a UCU volunteer.
Once completed, please submit the online form and our Nominating Committee will receive a notification that a new application is available for review. If you prefer, you may download a copy of the application here and submit it via secure email as an attachment to the Nominating Committee.
UCU's Board of Directors appreciate your interest in serving as a volunteer and look forward to the possibility of working with you.
If you have any questions, please contact the Nominating Committee Chair by sending a secured email to nominatingchair@ucu.org .
- Mission, Vision & Values about Mission, Vision & Values
UCU is a not-for-profit financial institution for employees, students, alumni, and families of the finest universities in the United States of America. UCU was established in 1951 by UCLA employees, for UCLA employees. The credit union's field of membership has grown extensively over the years, to include all 10 University of California campuses, member universities of the West Coast Conference, The Big West, as well as other top universities.
Core Purpose
To provide everyone in the University Community with a financial advantage.
Core Values
C.H.A.M.P.I.O.N.S.Courageous and Fearless
Honest and Open
All In
Make a Difference
Prescriptive and Predictive
Inspire Innovation
Ownership Mindset
Never Stop Learning
Seize Opportunities
Statement of Social Responsibility
It is UCU's intent to support human involvement and/or invest financial resources in selected charitable, community, and civic organizations whose goals and objectives are consistent with the credit union philosophy of improving credit union members' well-being, advocating and promoting the credit union ideal of cooperative self-help, and bringing about human and social development within our community. - Code of Ethics about Code of Ethics
In order to promote the highest standards of performance and practice and to define acceptable and unacceptable behavior in representing our members, the UCU Board of Directors has adopted the following Code of Ethics. This code is intended to apply to all UCU volunteers and senior management.
In adhering to this code of ethics we agree to:
- Behave morally by avoiding undue harm to others, by contributing to societal and human well being,and by taking action that is fair and non-discriminatory.
- Comply with the letter and intent of applicable laws and regulations established by the governing bodies of our industry.
- Set trust as our most valuable asset and honesty as the principal factor in ensuring that it is maintained.
- Honor confidentiality.
- Avoid any actual or appearance of conflict of interest by placing the interests of our fellow members in advance of our own.
- Honor our fiduciary responsibility by not allowing our personal beliefs or interests to interfere with the fair representation of the aims and interests of our institution and its members.
- Follow a policy of equal opportunity that values diversity and support its execution throughout all aspects of the credit union.
- Uphold and promote the principles of this code, and treat violations of it as inconsistent with the privilege of holding a position of leadership within UCU.
- Conflict of Interest Policy about Conflict of Interest Policy
The Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, and Advisory Council aspire to the highest level of ethical conduct in their work. UCU encourages a culture of transparency in which such individuals fully and promptly disclose all affiliations, interests, and gifts of which they are aware that might present a conflict relating to their credit union duties.
It is the policy of UCU to require that any interested party shall be subject to this conflict of interest policy in order to maintain full disclosure of any outside interest or financial activity, which may affect their credit union duties.
Section 1: Interested Party
Any member (or potential member) of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, or Advisory Council who has a financial interest in a transaction or agreement with UCU, participates on any board of any competing financial entity, or is employed by any competing financial entity is an interested party, and is subject to this policy.Section 2: Financial Interest
A person has a financial interest in a transaction or agreement if the person has, directly or indirectly, through business, family, or investment:- An ownership, investment, or fiduciary interest in any entity with which UCU transacts business, or
- A compensation agreement with UCU or with any entity or individual with which UCU has a transaction or agreement, or
- A potential ownership, investment, or fiduciary interest in, or compensation agreement with, any entity or individual with which UCU has or is negotiating a transaction or agreement, or
- An ownership, investment, fiduciary interest, compensation agreement, or potential ownership or investment interest or compensation agreement, with any entity or individual that is a competitor of an entity or individual with which UCU has or is negotiating a transaction or agreement, or
- Employment status with any competing financial entity of UCU, or
- Active status on any committee or board of any competing financial entity of UCU.
- Qualifications for Volunteer Position about Qualifications for Volunteer Position
Any candidate for a volunteer position must be a member of University Credit Union in good standing for a minimum of six months, per Section I; have a good understanding of UCU's mission and how it serves its members; demonstrate an understanding of Credit Union philosophy; command at least THREE (3) of the competencies listed in Section II; be willing to participate in training and continuing education; and be willing to commit the time necessary to fulfill the obligations of the volunteer position, per Section III.
Understanding the Credit Union Philosophy requires the ability to articulate in general terms the difference between Credit Unions and other financial institutions.
Section I - Membership Requirement
Member in Good Standing:Prospective Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, or Advisory Council members shall have no delinquencies, penalties, or other negative account irregularities for at least six months.
Section II - Competencies
Leadership Ability:Experience guiding, directing, or influencing the activities of groups in various settings, such as in business, service, or volunteer organizations.
Management Experience:
Experience managing the systems and/or operations of organizational units in a position that is accountable for achieving strategic results.
Understanding of Basic Financial Concepts:
Professional experience in banking, financial management, financial reporting, or budgeting.
Strategic Planning Experience:
Experience developing and implementing strategic plans for business, service or volunteer organizations.
Entrepreneurial Perspective/Appreciation of Marketing and Public Relations Concepts:
Experience in marketing and public relations. Demonstrated ability to create opportunities which:
- Generate or increase revenue,
- Expand service programs, or
- Advance organizational agendas.
Collaborative/Cooperative Values & Networking Skills:
- Ability to establish, nurture and maintain positive professional relationships.
- Ability to communicate concepts and ideas clearly and concisely.
- Experience in networking and working collaboratively in a professional, service or other organization.
Customer Service Experience:
Experience working with the general public and/or providing service to internal or external constituents in business, service, or volunteer organizations.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:
Experience interacting successfully with a diverse stakeholder base, demonstrating sensitivity to the needs of various groups and ensuring equity and diversity across socioeconomic and marginalized groups, in business, service, or volunteer organizations.
Ability to Engage/Sense of Responsibility:
Demonstrated speaking, listening, and feedback-providing abilities within a peer group. Experience making thoughtful and responsible business or personal decisions which have consequences impacting many people.
Integrity/Ethical Values:
Demonstrated adherence to business practices and personal conduct standards that conform to the highest principles of honest and ethical behavior. Willingness to embrace the ideals articulated in UCU's Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy.
Community Service Involvement:
- Engagement and community involvement on and off campus beyond one's teaching, research, and work responsibilities.
- Willingness to lend assistance and/or reach out for the betterment of others.
- Genuine thoughtfulness and concern for others.
Section III - Time Commitment
Most Volunteer activities will occur during the normal workday. Monthly Board of Directors meetings are typically held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Monthly Supervisory Committee meetings are typically held on the third Friday of each month at 8:30 a.m.Board of Directors
- Attend monthly Board of Directors meeting (2 hours duration, plus 1 hour preparation).
- Serve on at least one standing committee, each requiring at a minimum one meeting per year (1.5 hours duration, plus 1 hour preparation).
- Participate in annual orientation/refresher session, usually held in the Spring (2 - 4 hours duration).
- Participate in annual all-day Strategic Planning, usually held the first week of September (6 - 8 hours duration, plus 6 hours preparation).
- Participate in continuing education at regional or national Credit Union conferences or workshops every year (2 - 3 days duration).
- Enroll in CUNA CPD courses (4 - 6 hours home study per course).
- Independently read Credit Union and banking industry publications (2 hours per month).
- Attend Annual Meeting held in March (1 - 2 hours duration).
Supervisory Committee
- Attend monthly Supervisory Committee meetings (1.5 hours duration, plus 2 hours preparation).
- Attend monthly Board of Directors meeting (2 hours duration, plus 1 hour preparation). *Attendance is strongly encouraged, but not required*
- Participate in annual orientation/refresher session, usually held in the Spring (2 - 4 hours duration).
- Participate in annual all-day Strategic Planning, usually held the first week of September (6 - 8 hours duration, plus 6 hours preparation).
- Participate in continuing education at regional or national Credit Union conferences or workshops every year (2 - 3 days duration).
- Enroll in CUNA CPD courses (4 - 6 hours home study per course).
- Independently read Credit Union and banking industry publications (2 hours per month).
- Attend Annual Meeting held in March (1 - 2 hours duration).
Advisory Council
- Attend quarterly Advisory Council meetings (1 hour duration, plus 1 hour preparation).
- Participate in annual orientation/refresher session, usually held in the Spring (2 - 4 hours
- duration).
- Participate in at least TWO (2) UCU-approved community engagement events to promote advocacy (4 - 6
- hours).
- Participate in continuing education at regional or national Credit Union conferences or
- workshops every year (2 - 3 days duration).
- Enroll in CUNA CPD courses (4 - 6 hours home study per course).
- Independently read Credit Union and banking industry publications (2 hours per month).
- Attend Annual Meeting held in March (1 - 2 hours duration).
Section IV - Position Descriptions
Board of Directors
General Description:
University Credit Union (UCU) is governed by a Board of Directors in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The Board is responsible for setting policies and developing strategies to ensure the financial viability of UCU, while fulfilling the mission of providing products and services which meet the needs of a diverse membership. To accomplish this, a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is hired by and reports to the Board. The Board is responsible to the members for the overall performance of the Credit Union. Before serving as a director, all candidates must successfully complete a background screening. All Directors must adhere to the UCU Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy. Members of the Board of Directors are not compensated monetarily for serving.The Board comprises nine Directors, each serving a term of three years. The term of office is staggered so that three Directors' terms expire at the end of each year. Directors may serve a maximum of five successive elected terms. Potential nominees for open positions are reviewed by the Nominating Committee consistent with the requirements of the Board/Supervisory Committee Succession Plan. A slate of nominees is presented to the Board for approval.
Specific Duties:
- Appoint the CEO; define the scope of the position; conduct annual performance evaluation; and determine appropriate compensation.
- Collaborate with the CEO to develop goals and objectives for UCU, while exercising independent judgment.
- Ensure that UCU adheres to pertinent laws, rules, regulations, and sound business practices.
- Establish, or cause to have established, appropriate policies for all UCU programs and activities.
- Ensure that UCU remains financially viable, and that specific policies and practices are created to minimize risk, protect assets, and secure the confidentiality of all systems and information, in accordance with applicable laws.
- Approve the annual budget strategic plan.
- Ensure the timely development of products and services.
- Attend and actively participate in Board meetings and on UCU committees.
- Remain abreast of industry issues through Credit Union related training programs, by reading financial and economic publications, and by attending educational conferences and seminars.
- Report the status of UCU to the members annually.
- Are voting members.
Supervisory Committee
General Description:
The Supervisory Committee is an independent oversight body required by California Credit Union law. The primary function of the Supervisory Committee is to ensure that an annual audit is conducted to inspect the Credit Union's records for accuracy, its assets for security, and its procedures for the proper handling and use of funds. Audits are performed by outside Certified Public Accountants who are engaged by the Supervisory Committee. The Supervisory Committee also has the authority to suspend for cause the Credit Manager, or any member of the Board of Directors, or any officer until a special meeting of the membership is called. The Supervisory Committee is responsible to the members. Before serving as a Supervisory Committee member, all candidates must successfully complete a background screening. All Supervisory Committee members must adhere to the UCU Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy. Members of the Supervisory Committee are not compensated monetarily for serving.The Supervisory Committee comprises three members, each serving a term of three years. The term of office is staggered so that one Committee member's term expires at the end of each year. Committee members may serve a maximum of five successive elected terms. Potential nominees for open positions are reviewed by the Nominating Committee consistent with the requirements of the Board/Supervisory Committee Succession Plan. A slate of nominees is presented to the Board for approval.
Specific Duties:
- Review the Credit Union's policies and control procedures to safeguard against fraud. Exercise whatever efforts necessary to meet those responsibilities in accordance with California law.
- Make, or cause to be made, an audit of the books and records of the Credit Union at least once each year.
- Report audit results to the Board of Directors.
- Report audit results to the members at the annual meeting and file with the records of the Credit Union.
- Make, or cause to be made, any supplementary inspections of the securities, cash, and accounts of the Credit Union or audits as it deems necessary, and submit reports of those audits to the Board of Directors.
- Are non-voting members.
Advisory Council
General Description:
The advisory council's mission is to engage individuals who reflect the field of membership of University Credit Union (UCU) and drive the mission, promote services, and advocate on behalf of the credit union. In addition, the council will supplement the competencies of the Board, in such areas as credit union philosophy, advocacy, and community engagement related to credit unions. The Council shall comprise no more than five members and will be representative of UCU's University partners and key stakeholders, as identified in the Strategic Blueprint. A Council member's term of appointment will be no more than two years, with the possibility of reappointment by the Board upon submission of the Council member's statement of interest. Potential nominees for open positions should complete an application, which is reviewed by the Nominating Committee. Based on submitted applications, the Nominating Committee may also invite potential nominees to serve in other volunteer positions. A slate of nominees is presented to the Board for approval. Before serving, all candidates must successfully pass a background screening. All Advisory Council members must adhere to the UCU Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy. Members are not compensated monetarily for serving on the Advisory Council.Specific Duties:
- Demonstrate a genuine interest in UCU by utilizing its services.
- Become familiar with UCU's mission, services, and products and how they benefit UCU's overall membership.
- Advocate for UCU by educating potential members on the benefits of UCU membership.
- Gain insight on how UCU services are utilized by asking questions and providing feedback.
- Are non-voting members.
Start your application
Complete all required fields below and submit your completed packet.
The deadline for applications is November 30, 2024.
Please include all required information in the application so that the Nominating Committee can properly evaluate your experience as it relates to your ability to perform the duties of a UCU volunteer.
Submit your completed application within the forms above. You will receive a email confirming your submission. If you prefer to print the application, download the application form here and address to the ATTENTION OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE using one of the following methods:
- Send a secured email to nominatingchair@ucu.org
- Drop off at University Credit Union's Westwood Advisory Center
1APY = Annual Percentage Yield. To earn up to 5.00% APY, member must have a qualifying University Checking Account. Based on a combined rate of 4.88%. Credit card must be active, have at least one monthly transaction (excludes balance transfers and cash advances), and be enrolled in credit card eStatements to qualify for the extra 1.00% APY in dividends. Account does not earn dividends if there is a $0 balance in a HELOC at the end of the month. All accounts must be in good standing with no delinquency or bankruptcy pending. Multiple loans in the same category count for only 1.00% APY in dividends.
Qualifying University Checking Accounts will earn 1.00% APY in dividends on balances up to $25,000. Balances above $25,000 will be paid at the regular checking rate. Qualifying University Checking Accounts are defined as having at least 25 transactions per month (includes transactions made with both debit and credit cards) and enrollment in eStatements. If the requirements are not met, then no dividend is earned. Secondary University Checking Accounts not eligible to earn APY. Dividends are calculated by the daily balance method, which applies a daily periodic rate to the balance in the account at the end of each day. Dividends are disbursed monthly into the active University Checking Account. APY is accurate as of the last dividend declaration date. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account. Rate subject to change after account opening and may vary based on qualifications met at month end. Not valid with any other offers. To establish a UCU Membership, you must deposit at least $5 to a Regular (Share) Savings Account. A $50 minimum deposit is required to open a University Checking Account. All accounts are subject to approval.
2APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates stated available on approved credit and may be different as determined by the individual creditworthiness of each applicant. The maximum annual percentage rate for a UCU Credit Card is 23.99% APR. Rates current as of November 8, 2024, and are subject to change based on market conditions and borrower eligibility.