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Certificates that earn more

Certificates that earn more

Become an intelligent investor and watch your money grow. With a certificate from UCU, you'll reach your savings goals faster with guaranteed returns.
Take your savings strategy to the next level with a UCU certificate. Our competitive certificate rates and flexible options put you in the driver's seat, with multiple choices designed to perfectly align with your financial needs. Let us support you as you plan for the future.
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Benefits of a UCU certificate 

Benefits of a UCU certificate

Experience the power of guaranteed returns and the peace of mind of watching your savings grow with certainty. UCU certificates are the smart choice to help you reach your financial goals faster.


  • Open a certificate with just a $500 deposit
  • Choose from various terms (ranging from 6 to 60 months)
  • Enjoy rates that are generally higher than other savings options

More great ways to save

Savings Account - Los Angeles, California, United States

Savings Account

UCU savings accounts will get you one step closer to securing your financial future, providing excellent returns while keeping you in full control when it comes to your money. Open a savings account today with just a $5 deposit and start your journey with UCU.
Open an Account about Savings Account

Savings Account

Money Market Account  - Los Angeles, California, United States

Money Market Account 

Kick your finances up a notch with a Money Market account that lets you earn dividends on high balances while still being able to access your money. Invest smarter and open a Money Market account today.
Learn more about Money Market Account 

Money Market Account 

IRAs  - Los Angeles, California, United States


Looking for a way to beat inflation as you save for retirement? Our Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) let you choose how to invest and when to withdraw. Choose from a Traditional IRA or a Roth IRA, and even rollover your 401k into either option.
Learn more about IRAs 


    Frequently asked questions

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    Giving our University Communities a financial advantage
    University Credit Union offers membership to employees, students and alumni of UCLA, Pepperdine University, Loyola Marymount University, Santa Clara University, Saint Mary's College, UC Irvine, UC Davis, UC San Diego, Georgia Tech, University of Texas at Arlington, Mount St. Mary's University, Chabot College and Las Positas College, West Coast Conference Universities, The Big West Universities, Western Athletic Conference Universities, Southland Conference Universities, and other universities throughout California. UCU offers a variety of products and services including checking accounts, credit cards, home mortgages, auto loans, personal loans, commercial loans, insurance, investments, as well as digital banking.

    Financial tools

    Bank smart, save big 

    Use our calculators and helpful financial resource guides to discover how to pay for college, what your house-hunting budget should be, or how much you'll need to save for retirement.
    Learn More about Bank smart, save big 

    We're invested in your financial wellness  

    UCU is deeply committed to helping you stay financially fit and make smart choices, offering personalized services and solutions to help you achieve your goals.
    Learn More about We're invested in your financial wellness  

    Find a location near you

    You're covered from coast to coast with 30,000 surcharge free CO-OP ATMs and 5,000+ shared branches
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