Financial resources for better money management

Best Rates in the Nation Guarantee*
We are the only financial institution nationwide to guarantee that our rates on auto loans, credit cards, consumer loans, and HELOCs are ALL within the top 5% lowest nationwide.
*UCU guarantees that our lowest loan rate for cars, credit cards, consumer loans, and HELOCs are in the top 5% nationwide as measured in a monthly rate survey by Rate Watch, a part of S&P Global.
Home loan rates
Pay less for your dream home about Home loan rates -
Credit card rates
Save on interest however you spend about Credit card rates -
Personal loan rates
Dreams come true without high rates about Personal loan rates

Frequently asked questions
- How can I safeguard my accounts from being hacked? Click On How can I safeguard my accounts from being hacked?
University Credit Union takes your personal information and security very seriously. We'll give you plenty of tools and know-how to defeat would-be hackers or spammers, so your information stays safe.
- What can I do if I need financial services assistance after hours? Click On What can I do if I need financial services assistance after hours?
Our University Credit Union virtual assistant, Royce, is available 24/7 to answer your questions, help you complete basic transactions, or even walk you through a loan application. Royce is easy to use and completely secure.
- Where can I learn how to use University Credit Union’s digital banking? Click On Where can I learn how to use University Credit Union’s digital banking?
We’ve created how-to videos to teach you about all things digital banking, from everything you need to know about eStatements, mobile check deposits, paying bills from your phone, and more.
- How can I learn more about University Credit Union as a member-owner? Click On How can I learn more about University Credit Union as a member-owner?
Our news center is the perfect place to stay informed about what's happening at University Credit Union and our university communities. You can also find helpful advice from financial experts or browse informational blog posts on multiple financial topics.
- Does UCU offer mortgage calculators? Click On Does UCU offer mortgage calculators?
Our calculators can help you learn how much your interest affects your monthly payment amount, how long it will take you to pay off your home, and the total amount of interest you’ll pay over the life of your loan.
University Credit Union offers membership to employees, students and alumni of UCLA, Pepperdine University, Loyola Marymount University, Santa Clara University, Saint Mary's College, UC Irvine, UC Davis, UC San Diego, Georgia Tech, University of Texas at Arlington, Mount St. Mary's University, Chabot College and Las Positas College, West Coast Conference Universities, The Big West Universities, Western Athletic Conference Universities, Southland Conference Universities, and other universities throughout California. UCU offers a variety of products and services including checking accounts, credit cards, home mortgages, auto loans, personal loans, commercial loans, insurance, investments, as well as digital banking.